“I see my path, but I don't know where it leads. Not knowing where I'm going is what inspires me to travel it.” - Rosalia de Castro. I'm a 28 year old Peace Corps Volunteer in Zambia working with rural fish farmers.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

If you build it, they will come

Over the past two months I’ve seen some major changes taking place around my area and Kapatamoyo my old village. I went out to Kapatamoyo in early October to check on one of my farmers, Mr. Chulu. His fish pond is complete and he finally has fish. As I’m standing on the dike of his pond, I happen to look over my shoulder towards the hills and I can’t believe what I see. There was another fish pond. Mr. Chulu saw my surprise and started explaining how there was another 5 ponds in the area. I was ecstatic!!! How wonderful. I almost started crying. Getting any development in this area has nearly been impossible. The farmers have seen all the great things that have been happening to Mr. Chulu and his family and now they all want ponds for themselves. I’m so proud of Mr. Chulu. Honestly, it takes just one person and people will believe and follow their example. Its been one of the most proudest moments I’ve had here. I feel like I’m finally making a small change. I just keep doing my trainings and its starting to happen. I’ve been asked by my APCD at Peace Corps to hold a Field Day in Kapatamoyo in January to encourage more farmers in the surrounding areas.

Fish farming is also starting to take off in my area around Fisheni village. I have about 8 ponds that people have built since my trainings. Its funny, because in the beginning I felt like my trainings were pointless, but after some months I can already see things changing. Its so exciting to watch the development taking place. There’s always some minor set backs though….one of my ponds got all the fish stolen. Hopefully we can prevent this from happening in the future. On a brighter note, my school has completed their fish pond. Its happening….its finally happening, after 18 long months. Now I really understand why Peace Corps is 27 months long.

Here are some more photos of the ponds in progress in my area.


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